Just The Basics
Last year’s exhausting box kit situation from my local grocer has yet to be completed. It was a roller coaster ride, and we still have to report on a few that never bloomed at all. Most were purchased after the …
Last year’s exhausting box kit situation from my local grocer has yet to be completed. It was a roller coaster ride, and we still have to report on a few that never bloomed at all. Most were purchased after the …
Just as the amaryllis season was going full steam, and bulb purchasing seemed to be in the rear view mirror, something made Emaryllis take a second look at these kits. Passed over since at least early October at our usual …
‘Star of Holland’ was officially registered by De Oudendam as ‘Ster van Holland’ in 1984. Emaryllis was a budding Horticulture major in college at that time, and missed the boat in terms of seeing it in person. While not officially …
‘Lady Jane’ is a 1995 introduction that has seen intensive production among the double amaryllis clan until the last several years. This year it is widely available once again which caught Emaryllis by surprise. There are more and more and …
‘Minerva’ has long been the go-to amaryllis if a bold red and white contrast is needed to get into the holiday spirit. While the red may lean orange, the patterning and ruffled texture is a joy to behold. But in …
In the lead up to the winter holidays, much was swirling about in Emaryllisland, and the chances of finding time to devote to this website, much less a box kit feature (a fixture since 2008) seemed rather dim. No matter …
In a recent effort to see what might be substituted for ‘Limona’, which is presumably out of production, an unfamiliar but beautiful sight opened on my windowsill. It looked a lot like what ‘Limona’ was originally touted to be, a …
A trip to any big box hardware store this time of year for holiday related items means trying to resist the temptation to buy things I don’t really need. The timer for outdoor lights was needed, another amaryllis box kit…not …
Planning isn’t a strong suit here at Emaryllis HQ. Since every year brings changes, it seems best to roll with the punches…and this season’s punches have already been discussed. The two box kits from De Ree were already bestowed the …
Everything is just different as we enter the second year of the pandemic. Some businesses have thrived and others have not. For the most part, all things plant related have sold incredibly well as people look to enrich their more …