Mysteries of the Box
Just as the amaryllis season was going full steam, and bulb purchasing seemed to be in the rear view mirror, something made Emaryllis take a second look at these kits. Passed over since at least early October at our usual …
Just as the amaryllis season was going full steam, and bulb purchasing seemed to be in the rear view mirror, something made Emaryllis take a second look at these kits. Passed over since at least early October at our usual …
‘Star of Holland’ was officially registered by De Oudendam as ‘Ster van Holland’ in 1984. Emaryllis was a budding Horticulture major in college at that time, and missed the boat in terms of seeing it in person. While not officially …
In the lead up to the winter holidays, much was swirling about in Emaryllisland, and the chances of finding time to devote to this website, much less a box kit feature (a fixture since 2008) seemed rather dim. No matter …
In a recent effort to see what might be substituted for ‘Limona’, which is presumably out of production, an unfamiliar but beautiful sight opened on my windowsill. It looked a lot like what ‘Limona’ was originally touted to be, a …
Everything is just different as we enter the second year of the pandemic. Some businesses have thrived and others have not. For the most part, all things plant related have sold incredibly well as people look to enrich their more …
In a year when we are still reeling from the tragic human toll of a global pandemic, we must now also deal with the economic aftershocks. While it seems almost trivial to be concerned with the rising prices of non-essential …
Our ‘Waxed and Waned’ post explored the tsunami of wax entombed amaryllis bulbs that only continues to gain steam worldwide. More colors, more glitters, more accessories, more holidays to conquer. Emaryllis isn’t here to promote that sort of deliberate one-and-done …
Back in early autumn of 2019, Emaryllis was searching for sources for a couple of new amaryllis cultivars, and stumbled across a surpise offering by one particular mail-order house. In addition to getting a fair price on some huge ‘Wild …
There are always photos of amaryllis cultivars floating around that stir desire among collectors, if for no other reason their lack of easy commercial availability. I’m not only talking about the countless images of cut flower varieties that are perennially …
Getting amaryllis bulbs through the harvesting, curing and bloom programming (cooling) stages takes time, and timing. Wholesalers now face receiving bulbs from multiple countries, and from both hemispheres. Sometimes suppliers know what they will be selling to retailers well in …