Registered 1995 by Fa. G. van Staalduinen & Zn, bred by J. L. Doran. 'Germa' was named by its American breeder for Gerald and Margaret, Dutch friends in the bulb trade (Read). Some have claimed it to be a selection of Hippeastrum parodii, but Veronica Read's book clearly states it to be a cross between H. parodii and a cream hybrid nicknamed "EAE". That hybrid is a cross of H. evansiarum on (H. aglaiae x H. evansiarum), hence 'EAE'. From smallish (rarely exceeding 30cm. circumference), "neckless" and notably scaly bulbs arise 4-5 flowered umbels on 18-22"/46-56cm. scapes. These graceful, glaucous stems are topped with starry, lemonade yellow trumpet-form blooms about 4-4.5"/10-12cm. across at the face. Slow to force, and difficult for growers to produce, in later marketing often substituted with easier growing, flat-faced hybrids in cream-green shades. Still today, there is nothing else like it. Grow sunnier and drier than others, and honor its long, cool, dry winter rest requirement. Worth seeking out!