Neither ruby, nor gem

At this point, only a few amaryllis have bloomed in early December, and ¾ are mislabeled. In this case, A Florida company was the only source I found for a new (2013) Hadeco single red called ‘Ruby Gem’. Naturally, I bit…and am now bitten. What was supposed to have been a rich red single, is in fact an older scarlet double, ‘Ragtime’. A quick check of the seller’s website reveals that ‘Ruby Gem’ is sold out, so no use asking for a replacement. Double bummer, because not only do we not get to enter a new cultivar into the photo library, but we are harboring one of the lesser double forms. The type with scrunched up and distorted tepals in the center of the flower. The type long surpassed by the newer, finer forms featuring well developed extra parts that make for a harmonious and impressive bloom. Yet I can’t quite bear to toss the colorful rogue to the compost heap. For now.
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