
Hippeastrum breeders, brokers and wholesalers:

Further Information:

  • Bulb in A Box on YouTube: Vlad’s tutorials on potting, care, breeding, and seed sowing offer sound advice. His joy in showing blooming bulbs is infectious!
  • A Pinterest Page devoted to correctly identified Hippeastrum Species by Italian collector Luca Bove.
  •  Pacific Bulb Society: Photos and excellent cultural information focused on species.
  •  Brazil Plants: Mauro Peixoto’s excellent site in Portuguese and English.
  • Amaryllisinfo.eur: A Dutch industry supported site promoting the sale of amaryllis cutflowers. Beautiful stock photos and ideas for using amaryllis around the year.
  • Astra Flowers: It’s always interesting to see the stunning variety of Hippeastrum cutflower varieties out there.
  • CybeRose: Great for a deep dive into historical and old catalog photos, and documents relating to nomenclature and genetics of a variety of plants, mostly geophytes and roses. A favorite page is devoted to photos of Hippeastrum.

22 Comments on “Resources

  1. Hey E.

    I just stumbled upon your site because a friend told me about it! This is exactly what the world needs.

    Anyway, I saw your post somewhere on the site (I’ve been browsing and perusing and clicking on links for four hours now, so its all becoming a little hazy) but I too, bought a ‘Pinkolo’ bulb this year I’m not that was tagged tightly that turned out to be what I thiiiiiiiiiinnnnkkkkkk is ‘Minerva’ but I’m not 100% sure. If there is somewhere I can submit a photograph, I’d love for you to take a look at it!

  2. Hi, wondering why the resources now don’t have the link to each listed grower/breeder as they used to? Just wondering if there’s a glitch? I usually come to this section to reference the breeders for looking up their sites and what’s new. It’s great to have them all in one place. Is this a temporary or permanent change? Be great if it could be restored. Thanks kind regards Stella

  3. I was given what I was told were a few “vintage” amaryllis bulbs by a friend who told me they were Moon Scene. Do you know if there is another amaryllis, white petals with red/ruby wiskering similar to Moon Scene? If Moon Scene was released in 2013, that doesn’t really seem “vintage”. The bulbs I have bloom longer (Feb – June, on Texas coast, zone 9) than other amaryllis bulbs that I have, the bloom is about 4 1/2″ wide and stem is 12-18″ tall, so shorter than some of my others. It does look like Moon Scene. I can send a photo if you think that will help.

    • Cici, you are correct that ‘Moon Scene’ is a modern cultivar, still in production ad therefore not vintage. There have been many white with red “whisker” types over the years. Two such varieties (we don’t have photos because they predate the site) are ‘Lipstick’ and Hadeco’s ‘Masai’.

  4. Hello! Please help me figure it out. There is an image of the Firecracker hippeastrum on your site. It is orange and has narrow petals. Produced by Hadeco. But on the originator’s website, under the name Firecracker, a completely different flower is presented! It’s red, it has a different flower shape, a different petal shape. There is confusion. A mistake has crept in somewhere. I really want to understand this issue. Thank you for the answer!

  5. I was just looking through some Amaryllis websites. Do you know if Royal Colors has gone out of business or have they just shutdown their website to the USA. I certainly wouldn’t buy from them given their past issues, but curious to see what they are selling this year. When I search for, I keep getting a message that their site is being blocked by my servers since it is not considered secure, whatever that means.

    • Yes, sadly Royal Colors is gone. It became I Love Amaryllis (which still has a FaceBook page describing it as a travel company) for the European market, but alas even that company has now stopped selling amaryllis bulbs. It seems Royal Colors was skirting legal boundaries by shipping the way they did, but they are greatly missed by those of us who managed to get some unique offerings over the years.

      • Well that explains why I occasionally get advertising emails from “I Love Amaryllis”. I always felt that a financially sound company wouldn’t be dodging the proper inspection procedures. I imagine they were struggling to stay afloat for at least 2-3 years. Covid may have been the final nail in the coffin. That’s a shame that they went under, since ten years ago I considered them one of best Amaryllis dealers.

        • Agreed! They were great early on. I stay away from recommending specific vendors because not all sources operate within other country’s agricultural regulations. The buyer assumes the risk. Inspection by USDA/Aphis is routine in the Netherlands due to their large horticultural industry, so it seems like it would be feasible for a Dutch company to sell direct to North America. The issue is probably that small direct shipments to individual customers are not very profitable.

    • Habib,
      If you send photos to me at: info (at) I will try to ID your mystery amaryllis.

  6. Hi There,
    Is there any way you could post a picture and description of which crosses are involved in ‘Devil Smile’? It’s a Komoriya hybrid and there’s very little information of it on the internet.
    Thank You

    • Hello Jose. I haven’t grown any of the Komoriya hybrids, but they certainly are striking. Looking at some photos of ‘Devil’s Smile’ online I can only make a semi-educated guess. It looks like two flowers per scape, so likely a primary cross (two species involved) or perhaps a more complex hybrid back-crossed to a species or primary hybrid. Because they sell both Hippeastrum papilio and H. corriense, it could be a simple cross of those two, but when I see the flower it really suggests that H. psittacinum might be involved. That’s about as close as I can get based on (as you say) little online about this hybrid. Thanks for writing in and Happy New Year!

  7. Hi – I would like to share some photos of anonymous Amaryllis to see if anyone can identify them, would this be possible?

    • Sure, Paula! Try attaching them to a post and we’ll have a go at ID. If it doesn’t work, attach them to an email to info(at)

      Thanks for visiting the site.

      • Agne,
        It is impossible to come up with a Top10, as it would vary from day to day! I think one could build a nice starter collection of colors and forms with the following: Exotic Star, Chico, Magnum, Naranja, Neon, Glee, Rapido, Doublet, Temptation, and Spartacus. By tomorrow I would probably have a completely new list…but with Exotic Star and Chico still on it…the species charm of those is hard to beat!

      • Good afternoon. If possible, add information about the varieties Polar belle, Scarlett belle, Exotic nymph to the catalog. Thanks!

        • Hi, Alex. Thanks for using the site. This season we will hope to profile ‘Scarlette Belle’. The others were scarcely available in the USA. The one copy of ‘Amazing Belle’ that we obtained did not bloom true, which was disappointing. I hope we can have all three of your requests fulfilled next season!

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