Triple treat: three new Saad-Assaf entries

The Israeli breeder and grower has been on quite a roll of late. While they do grow common cultivars that end up in many box kits, they have been adding new selections from their own breeding program at a steady clip. Slowly, their bulbs are showing up in the dry bulb market as well. Some seem to come and go rather quickly, but the quality and sophistication of their in-house program is starting to pay off. It appears that they aim to have one or more selections within each of the color and form categories currently on the market. Since Israel is a major grower of cut-flowers, they may be getting in on that action as well. Essentially, they are becoming a one-stop outfit for retailers looking for a complete range, and the amaryllis world is that much better for it. Welcome to the fold ‘Glee’, ‘Pink Pizzaz’, and ‘Emerald Dawn’.

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